Our Progress with Covid-19 Relief Outreach

As we enter summer vacation season for many American families, the majority of states continue to implement social distancing measures of varying degrees. As well, our teams in Florida and Maryland continue with procurement and distribution of PPE supplies to the most vulnerable groups in our community.

Our masks are specially prepacked for ease of distribution at food centers, homeless shelters, free clinics, places of worship, and medical centers for our veterans. Tens of thousands of masks have been sourced over the past several months due to the generous support of The Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, the SERCO Foundation, and members of our local community.

We have been overwhelmed by local community voluntary support in packing, distributing, and identifying areas of need that have been overlooked by larger organizations.  We continue to strive to remain true to our commitment of going that last mile and reaching those who are most at-risk.

AWB-USA team and supporters in Maryland

Delivering the 3ply facemasks donation to the homeless and food-insecure families in Montgomery County through Shepherd’s Table and Manna Food Center.

2nd phase delivery of donation to our veterans in Florida

Delivering the facemasks donation to Veteran Affairs Medical Center in West Palm Beach and Miami.

As the month of June unfolds, we’d like to take a moment to reflect on the effect COVID-19 has had on our country.

  • Total number of deaths due to COVID-19 in the US has exceeded 114,000
  • Total number of cases have exceeded 2 million
  • COVID-19 has spread to every state in the US over the past 5 months
  • As social distancing restrictions are being eased, some experts have raised concern about the likelihood of a possible second wave of cases
  • Throughout the country, schools and universities remained closed for the last quarter
  • Unemployment numbers now exceed 20 million, almost a four-fold increase since December 2019

The Serco Foundation is a charitable trust, working internationally, to enhance public service outcomes for vulnerable citizens. Through its relationship with Serco Group of Companies, and its 90 years’ experience in public service, the Serco Foundation also offers in-kind support, sharing the expertise of the company’s employees worldwide.

The Conrad N. Hilton Foundation was created in 1944 by international business pioneer Conrad N. Hilton, who founded Hilton Hotels and left his fortune to help individuals throughout the world living in poverty and experiencing disadvantage. The Foundation invests in 11 program areas, including providing access to safe water, supporting transition-age foster youth, ending chronic homelessness, hospitality workforce development, disaster relief and recovery, helping young children affected by HIV and AIDS, and supporting the work of Catholic sisters. In addition, following selection by an independent international jury, the Foundation annually awards the $2 million Conrad N. Hilton Humanitarian Prize to a non-profit organization doing extraordinary work to reduce human suffering. From its inception, the Foundation has awarded more than $1.8 billion in grants, distributing $110 million in the U.S. and around the world in 2019. Foundation assets increased from approximately $2.9 billion to $6.6 billion following the 2019 passing of Barron Hilton who, like his father, pledged virtually his entire estate to the Foundation.